I'm Russ Kasten
While in Sturgis 40 years ago, I came across a VW trike with a Harley engine. I loved it! When it came time for me to build my own Harley powered Volkswagen, I discovered all the adapter builders no longer were in business.

Being a retired tool maker, I decided to build my own adapter. Peers convinced me to patent and sell my adapters. So, here we are, the design is complete and ready for you to purchase. Enjoy building and driving your Harley powered Volkswagen... I have been having a real Hoot with mine.

Russ (Rooster) Kasten is an aficionado of all things mechanical…especially motorcycles. Brought up on a Wisconsin farm during the 50’s and 60’s, then schooled in Mechanical Design. An award-winning bike builder, race car driver, adrenaline junkie, and adventurer.
Rooster loves to hop on a Harley to see and do things. His retirement years has him tending to the family farmette and creating projects in his home shop… whenever he is home from traveling, that is.